
Heathcoat Primary School

Aspiring to achieve our best: moving forward together!

Newsletter | 22nd January 2024

Year 3/4 MP Forest School

Year 3/4MP have been enjoying Forest School on Fridays this half-term. They have been making mini Anglo-Saxon huts out of sticks and weaving twigs to make the walls. Despite the cold and (lots of) mud, great fun was had by all!

From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child. #AttendanceCounts.

We are here to support you and your child. If you have any concerns about your child's attendance, please let your child's class teacher know. Alternatively contact us via 01884 252445 or

Toasting marshmallows for S'mores over the fire - what a great way to finish Forest School this term for 3/4MP!

The current attendance from the start of the academic year across the school is:

Reception: 92.33%
Year 1: 95.17%
Year 2: 96.66%
Year 3: 96.61%
Year 4: 96.61%
Year 5: 95.14%
Year 6: 93.39%

Year 3 & 4 Art

Year 3 & 4 have started a unit in art all about painting. They have practised colour mixing and explored the technique of 'wet- on- wet'. The colours spread through the water and can mix together by themselves. They loved it!

Reception Museum visit

Reception had a lovely trip to Tiverton Museum last Wednesday. The children were very well behaved and enjoyed seeing all the different parts of the museum. The highlight was seeing and being able to go on to the Tivvy Bumper. We saw a variety of different types of transport including a horse drawn fire engine and carts, a mini and lots of different bicycles including a Penny Farthing

Year 3 & 4 History

Year 3 and 4 have been learning about the Anglo Saxons in History. Last week they had to write in less than 80 words the message they think Pope Gregory sent with Augustine to give to King Ethelbert.

We would love to welcome you into school on Tuesday 6th February, as part of National Online Safety Day.You can visit your child/children's classrooms from 3.00pm (2.45pm for Nursery). For parents who have children in different classes we ask you to split your time between each class and do not take children from their class. We will ask you to wait outside at 3.15pm so we can get the children ready to go home.
It is NSPCC national number day on Friday 2nd February.

We are asking children and staff to wear an item of clothing with a number on it.
This can be a favourite sports top or cap, or even a onesie.
Or why not get more creative and design a unique t-shirt, hat or even become a human-sized calculator or dice!

We are not asking for donations, but parents/carers can make a donation on the website by clicking on the link below.

Number Day 2024 | NSPCC

Tennis Club

The children in year 1, 2 and 3 who are currently taking part in the tennis club sessions provided by Bounce back Tennis on a Thursday after school, should come in their PE kit (if they aren't already doing PE that day).They will then be ready to go to the club straight after school on Thursdays. It is the turn of group 2 for their taster session this week. Iain will then be in touch with parents regarding subsequent sessions.

Parent Workshop

We have recently implemented this whole-school approach to develop two of our school values: ‘Independence’ and ‘Never Give Up. When someone is out of their comfort zone, or is struggling to learn something new, they can be said to be in the Learning Pit. This light-hearted name – together with its cartoonlike illustrations – helps ease the sense of frustration often felt during the learning process. It can also be an empathetic and reassuring phrase to share with others, helping them to see that everyone experiences Learning Pit moments.

Would you like to find out more about the theory behind the Learning Pit? We would really love to share this approach with our parents, so that we can work in partnership with you as we help the children together. We are using this approach with all of our children, from Nursery to Y6 – those without SEN and those with SEN alike.

In order to include as many parents as possible, we are running three identical workshops in the week after half term. You only need to attend one session, as they are repeated.

The dates are:

Monday 19th February 2pm
Tuesday 20th February 5pm
Thursday 22nd February 9am

Are you able to join us? We would really love to see you at one of our workshops. Please sign up on the attached form:
Thank you!

Coffee Mornings for parents of children with SEND at HPS- Don't forget to sign up.

Now that the building works have finished, we have space once again to host some events for parents of children with SEND. We look forward to having the opportunity to meet with you, to discuss particular areas of interest over a cup of tea or coffee. These will be informal, friendly sessions and will be open to anyone whose child is on our SEN register. We intend for the sessions to be positive and collaborative, so that parents feel both supported and better informed.

We will need parents to book in advance, as we can only really accommodate about twenty parents at a time in our Community Room. If many parents wish to attend, we may need to allocate places over the term, so that every parent can attend at least once. The meetings will be hosted by Mrs Alphey, our SENDCo, and Miss Ford, our Assistant SENDCo – though we will invite visiting speakers from time to time.

Dates for the Spring term are as follows:

Tuesday 30th January 9:30-11am – An introduction to DIAS, with visiting speaker Katy Isaac from DIAS. Katy will explain how DIAS can support families and young people, and there will hopefully also be an opportunity for parents to discuss anything specific afterwards, on a one-to-one basis.

Tuesday 27th February 9-10am – Supporting children with autistic spectrum difficulties at home and at school.

Tuesday 26th March 9-10am – Supporting children with speech and language needs at home and at school.

We have picked Tuesday mornings in the first instance, though we are open to suggestions for alternative timeslots for sessions in the summer term. We know that Tuesday morning timeslots may not suit everyone who wishes to attend. We are also open to suggestions for topics you would like to discuss. To book sessions, or to share your suggestions with us, please click

Nativity trail

As you know we made Mary and Joseph as part of the Tiverton Nativity Trail. Patrick Barker the Pastor at Tiverton Baptist Church has shared pictures of the characters made by HPS and other local schools.


Congratulations to Phoenix in year 3 who has received a book badge from Blue Peter.
Is my child too ill for school? - NHS (

Social Media Influencers

The things social media influencers do and say online can be quite impactful. Around a third of children and young people think that, because the influencer is a 'celebrity', what they share is always good. But we know that isn't the case, sometimes it can be advice based on pseudo-science, selling something because they've been paid to and much more.

Internet Matters have a great article where various specialists offer advice and guidance to parents/carers to help them to to their children thing critically about social media influencers. You can find the article HERE.

Learner of the Week

FSDB Paris
FSA Darcie
1B Mia
1D George & William
2G Jersey
2P Riley
3/4 CB Maya
3/4 CP Harry C
3/4 MP Saffie
5F Alfie
5K Archie
6S Ula
6S/T Liana

Lunchtime Behaviour

FSDB Archie
FSA Bonnie S
1B Migle
1D Emily
2G Josie
2P Amelia
3/4 CP Wyatt
5F Wilbur
5K Saffy
6S Ryan
6S/T Lucas

Best Attendance

2P - 99.6%

Classes with attendance over 97% - FSDB, 1D & 6S

Diary Dates

National Online Safety Day - 6th February

Term Dates

Spring Term Half: Monday 12th - Friday 16th February
Last day of Spring Term: Thursday 28th March
First day of Summer Term: Monday 15th April
May Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May
Summer Half Term: Monday 27th - Friday 31st May
Last day of Summer Term: Friday 19th July

Heathcoat Heroes

The children below have all reached the very top of our learning behaviours and expectations system last week.

FSDB - Ava-Mae, Faith, Vinnie, Archie, Esme

34/CB - Maya 3/4MP - Saffie

6S - Lilly-Anne 6S/T - Jameela

Absence reporting email

If your child is unwell, please contact the school office by 9.15am by telephone (01884 252445) or email (, on each day that your child is absent. Please could we ask that you include the child's name, class and reason for absence (i.e. sickness). If no contact is made, we will follow our attendance procedures and a member of senior leadership may visit your home address.

Are your contact details up to date?

Please advise the office of any changes in your contact details by emailing