
Heathcoat Primary School

Aspiring to achieve our best: moving forward together!

Newsletter | 5th February 2024

Our children love reading!

Tulisha and Sienna love reading and attending book club at school. They also love reading at home and have arranged their books to create their own library.

Which is your favourite book?

Keep our children safe

Please can we politely remind you:
  • to consider the local residents when parking at the start and end of the day. Park responsibly.
  • please keep your speed down.
  • children must not be dropped off outside the main gate in the morning.

There was a near accident on King Street reported to us last Monday evening, at the end of the day by a local resident. He said that several parents were driving at speed and he has taken registration numbers to give to the police. Please keep the children and others in the school community safe.

Dropping off children safely in the morning

Polite reminder: Please do not drop off your child/children in the road outside of the main gates. ACE school and local residents have complained as it makes the road dangerous and tricky to navigate. This area is marked with double yellow lines to keep the children and local community safe. If you are running late, please park safely and walk your child to the pedestrian gate. Press the buzzer and the office team will open the gate for you to enter school.

5K Music

5K have been learning about 'The Blues' in Music this half-term. Here, they are playing the 12 bar blues along to a backing track using the chords of C, F and G.

Year 2 Computing

Year 2 have been practising their word processing skills in Computing this half-term. They have been creating newspaper reports using images and text from the nursery rhyme 'The Gingerbread Man'.

3/4 CP Forest School

Miss Pearson's class enjoyed their second session of forest school. The children are making great progress with their Anglo Saxon huts. They used mud to create the walls and next week we hope to make a roof. There were many times today when children were in the learning pit but they all managed to get themselves out of the pit by using the resources and skills they already have.

Nursery-Bird Watch

Last week, Nursery took part in the RSPB bird watch. We have enjoyed making bird feeders to encourage more birds into our outside area. We have tried really hard to be quiet outside and used binoculars to spot different birds. We have also enjoyed watching a brave, cheeky squirrel who is visiting us daily to eat seeds from our bird box. He is very funny!

Year 5 writing

Here are some examples of beautiful and descriptive writing from Year 5 & Year 2.

Year 2 Writing

New Library books

We are thrilled to share our new books heading into the library this week. They are all thanks to your generous spending at our last two book fayres - this has enabled us to spend nearly £800 on new books.

From exciting authors like Percy Jackson and Michael Morpurgo, to visited authors like MG Leonard. We have books about football, animals, adventure stories and books to support us with our emotions.

Please send in bags on Wednesday 7th February by 9am (no sooner please.)If you need more bags please use black dustbin sacks. The more donations brought in the more money we get as a school!Remember to fill it with clothes, shoes (tied together please), hats, belts, handbags and soft toys.
Please remember to pop in and see what your children are learning as we celebrate Safer Internet Day. The gate will be open at 3.00pm (2.45pm for Nursery parents).

Change of collection arrangements

If someone different needs to collect your child, please let the school office know so they can inform the class teacher. If the class teacher is not aware that someone different is collecting. then we will check with you as the parent before letting them go at the end of the day.

Year 6 Exmoor Challenge Saturday 4th May

We will be holding a meeting after school on Tuesday 12th March 3:30pm - 4:30pm, for all those children & their parents who are interested in taking part in the Exmoor Challenge. The meeting will explain what is involved and dates for the training walks and map reading sessions.

Attendance is important for more than just attainment:

Regular school attendance can facilitate positive peer relationships, which is a protective factor for mental health and wellbeing. We would like to thank the parents of HPS children for communicating with us regarding their child's attendance. We are aspiring to achieve our best: moving forward together!

Healthy packed lunches

We know the importance of healthy eating - and this is especially important for our young people. Packed lunches can be a great way to get healthy food into your child's diet. Here is a good article about how to make cheap, healthy packed lunches. How to make healthy packed lunches on a budget - BBC Food

Top tips:
  • used last nights tea (e.g. cook extra pasta for a pasta salad the next day - stir through some mayo, sweetcorn and tuna)
  • chicken drumsticks (put them in the oven when the tea is cooking -put 1 or 2 in the lunchbox each day.
  • ask children to help - they are more likely to eat it if they have helped to prepare it
processed foods such as Dairylea dunkers are more expensive and not so healthy - try chopping up some cheese chunks and putting in a little container along with a few grapes.

Please remember:
  1. we are a nut free school. This includes Nutella bars and hazelnut wraps
  2. do not send chocolate bars in packed lunch boxes.
  3. please do send fruit and veg (we do see lots of this!)
  4. our school eco-committee are trying to encourage less plastic. Can you reduce the plastic in your packed lunch box. More info will follow about this soon!
If you have any ideas, please send them in -we would love to feature YOUR top tips.
This recipe and others can be found on the NHS website: Egg mayonnaise and lettuce roll - Lunchbox recipes - Healthier Families - NHS (

Packed lunch recipe of the week:
Join our free digital sessions for families in Devon! Devon Childrens Centres have a variety of online activities for you to enjoy. Whether you want to learn about PLAY, connect with other Dads and male carers, or celebrate the everyday tiny moments, we have something for you. Don’t miss this opportunity to have fun and learn new skills with your family. Click on the link below to see the upcoming sessions and book your place. Hurry, spots are filling up fast!

DiAS Parent Workshop

It was lovely to have our first SEND parent workshop this morning. Katy and Louise from DiAS spoke to us all about their service, which is impartial, confidential and free. They can advise parents about any aspect of special educational needs and can signpost parents to further sources of support. It was a very informative session, with time for questions afterwards. Thank you to all those of you who were able to attend.

Our next parent workshop is on Tuesday 27th February at 9am, and focusses on 'supporting children with autistic spectrum difficulties at home and at school'. Do see the weekly school newsletter for the link to sign up!


Congratulations to Emily who has received her Blue Peter reading badge this week. Emily had to choose a book to read, she picked 'stick man' by Julia Donaldson. She had to write in no less than 50 words why she chose it, what her favourite part was and draw a picture about the book.

Learner of the Week

FSDB Primrose
FSA Oleg
1B Kaiden
1D Silas
2G Benjamin
2P Tala
3/4 CB Jaymes
3/4 CP Matthew & Miller
3/4 MP Libby
5F Jasper
5K Meadow
6S Frankie
6S/T Poppy

Lunchtime Behaviour

FSA Rubie
1B Leo R
1D George
3/4 CP
3/4 MP Flynn
5F Alfie
5K Morgan
6S Corben
6S/T Dexter

Best Attendance

3/4CB -100%

Classes with attendance over 97% - 1D, 2G & 3/4CP

Diary Dates

'Express yourself' day - Friday 9th February

Term Dates

Spring Term Half: Monday 12th - Friday 16th February
Last day of Spring Term: Thursday 28th March
First day of Summer Term: Monday 15th April
May Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May
Summer Half Term: Monday 27th - Friday 31st May
Last day of Summer Term: Friday 19th July

Heathcoat Heroes

The children below have all reached the very top of our learning behaviours and expectations system last week.

FSDB - Primrose 2G - Daisy & Louie

3/4MP - Tulisha & Vincent 3/4CB - Charleigh & Scarlet

3/4CP -Travis 5K - Orlaith 6S/T - Lacey

5F - Orlaith, Jasmine, Layla, Matilda, Freya & Jack

Absence reporting email

If your child is unwell, please contact the school office by 9.15am by telephone (01884 252445) or email (, on each day that your child is absent. Please could we ask that you include the child's name, class and reason for absence (i.e. sickness). If no contact is made, we will follow our attendance procedures and a member of senior leadership may visit your home address.

Are your contact details up to date?

Please advise the office of any changes in your contact details by emailing