
Heathcoat Primary School

Aspiring to achieve our best: moving forward together!

Newsletter |26th February 2024

Reading Incentive

For the next few weeks, all the children who are in a Read Write Inc group will be part of a reading competition.

Each Friday, children who have completed three reads at home that week will earn a raffle ticket. All of the tickets will be put into a box and three tickets will be drawn in Friday’s assembly. Those children selected will win a prize!

Thank you for supporting our focus on reading!

School Environment

At HPS we are proud of our school environment. Children are great at putting rubbish in the bin, and if anyone accidentally drops litter, or it blows out of a bin, we have an amazing group of children who are our litter pickers each day.

You might sometimes spot some single-use plastic rubbish around the school gates or in the streets nearby. Plastic snack bar wrappings, plastic straws, lolly wrappers, Haribo packets, crisp packets.... you know the kind of thing.

School (and work) lunches are often dominated by convenience foods that are individually wrapped in plastic. They are easy to pop into a lunchbox - but this usually results in lots of plastic that is never recycled and ends up in landfill. If it isn't binned, it can end up on the street or in the drains.

Scary statistic: on average, a child who has a packed lunch creates approx 30kg (a wheelie bin full) of rubbish each year.

What can YOU do to try to reduce the amount of single-use plastic that is being used? You can consider less single-use plastic in lunchboxes.

Here are some ideas:

  • lunchboxes with compartments: put fresh fruit, vegetables in 2 of them, a home baked flapjack in another, a sandwich in another.
  • use your leftovers! Cook extra pasta for tea, then stir through mayonnaise and some tuna/sweetcorn for a delicious pasta salad. Or how about cheese, ham and peppers. Or pesto with bacon and chicken.... the choices are endless!
  • buy a big bag of crisps and decant daily into the lunchbox. Great for portion sizes and great for less plastic! Big family bags of crisps are often cheaper than small individual packs.

Information taken from "Unpackaged".

For this delicious looking recipe -click here:

How To Make Flapjacks | Easy Flapjack Recipe | Tesco Real Food

Please remember - we are a nut free school. Thank you for your support.
The current attendance from the start of the academic year across the school is:

Reception - 92.78%
Year 1 - 95.28%
Year 2 - -96.26%
Year 3 - 96.69%
Year 4 - 96.50%
Year 5 - 95.14%
Year 6 - 93.43%

Children's Mental Health Week

Thank you to everyone who supported 'Express yourself' day and the cake sale, we raised a massive £209.15 for the charities.

World Book Day

Coming up, on Thursday 7th March, is World Book Day. We are asking that your child comes to school celebrating books! This could be as their favourite character or simply wearing pyjamas so they're ready to read.

There are many children from the Midnight Gang and Roald Dahl books where they wear jeans, tops, joggers etc so please don't feel you need to go and buy anything special. Characters like Stick Man and crayons from The Day the Crayons Quit can be made with cardboard cutouts so you could make them, if you feel you would like to.

Please just celebrate reading and enjoy talking about books with your child. Any questions please ask your child's class teacher.

We would love to welcome you into school on Thursday 7th March, as part of World Book Day. You can visit your child/children's classrooms from 3.00pm (2.45pm for Nursery). For parents who have children in different classes we ask you to split your time between each class and do not take children from their class. We will ask you to wait outside at 3.15pm so we can get the children ready to go home.

Congratulations to the following children for achieving their individual target in Accelerated Reader

An incredible 88 children - well done everyone and keep up the reading!

Years 3 and 4
Dylan B, Rosie B, Megan H, Grace H, Lydia M, Florence P, Aria R , Jaymes P, Grace R Matthew F, Leo H, Lillie H, Wyatt H, Penny L, Hazel Mc, Tilly R, Theo W, Willow B, Hallie H, Ellyse R, Luna R, Harry S, Tomas Z, Lola L, Arlo L, Thomas L, Kade B, Harry C, Cooper W, Archer H, Miley B, Vincent I-T, Olivers P, Neevie W, Isla C.

Year 5
Edith L, Mason M, Alfie R, Zach H, Matilda W, Orlaith S, Charlie W, Saffery A-F, Raven B-D, Finley B, Lexi D, Alfie D, Dylan G, Orlaith K, Jonah L, Jake-Lee M, Freddie O, Tia T, Ruby B, William K, Morgan S, Archie S.

Year 6
Mason P, Joe C, Corben D, Alfie H, Kaitlyn M, Jake P, Kobi T, Thomas V, Kaitlyn G, Kelsey P, Frankie K, Connor G, Elliott B, Josh C, Ellie D, Poppy G, Megan G, Reuben G, Murray J, Sienna K, Taylan L, Esmae L, Dexter M, Riley P, Lucas P, Kai R, Kelsie T, Jameela W, Seth W, Mason W, Isla W.

Mobile Phones

Just a reminder that we have a no mobile phone policy at Heathcoat Primary school to ensure the safety of all pupils and staff. Please ensure that mobile phones are NOT used on the school premises.

Learning Pit Parent Workshop

Learner of the Week

FSDB Tommy
FSA Rubie
1B Lyra
1D Hallie
2G Thomas
2P Empathy
3/4 CB Lilymay
3/4 CP Tilly
3/4 MP Isla
5F Daisy
5K Freya
6S Joseph
6S/T Jameela

Lunchtime Behaviour

FSA Sydney
1D Tiana
2G Everly
3/4 CP Tomas
3/4 MP Emily
5F Daisy
5K Jake-Lee
6S Martha
6S/T Reuben

Best Attendance

FSDB - 98.8%

Classes with attendance over 97% - FSA & 3/4CP

Diary Dates

World Book Day - 7th March

Term Dates

Last day of Spring Term: Thursday 28th March
First day of Summer Term: Monday 15th April
May Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May
Summer Half Term: Monday 27th - Friday 31st May
Last day of Summer Term: Friday 19th July

Heathcoat Heroes

The children below have all reached the very top of our learning behaviours and expectations system last week.

1B - Leo K, Jack, Henry, Arlo 1D - Arthur

2G - Izzy

Absence reporting email

If your child is unwell, please contact the school office by 9.15am by telephone (01884 252445) or email (, on each day that your child is absent. Please could we ask that you include the child's name, class and reason for absence (i.e. sickness). If no contact is made, we will follow our attendance procedures and a member of senior leadership may visit your home address.

Are your contact details up to date?

Please advise the office of any changes in your contact details by emailing