
Heathcoat Primary School

Aspiring to achieve our best: moving forward together!

Newsletter | 11th December 2023

Nursery Blundell's Santa Visit

Last Thursday, the nursery children had a really exciting time visiting Blundell's School and meeting Father Christmas. The minibus picked us up which was a lot of fun! We met Rudolph, helpful elves and Father Christmas. We enjoyed hot chocolate and Christmas cookies and then Father Christmas gave us a present. It was a wooden reindeer which we decorated with the elves. We had a great time!

Christmas Jumper day

Our School Councillors managed to raise a total of £126.79 by asking everyone to wear a Christmas jumper. They all looked great in their jumpers and enjoying their Christmas dinner. The money raised will be split between the school and our chosen charity (RSCPA).

Christmas Lunch

A massive thank you to Nina (Kitchen Manager) and her team for cooking 250 Christmas lunches, last Thursday.


Safeguarding and Child Protection Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and all child protection concerns need to be acted on immediately. If you are concerned that a child may be at risk or actually suffering abuse please contact Demelza Higginson, Angela Sullivan, Becky Budden, Vicki Chappell or Mike Payne within school or alternatively if not in school hours please contact MASH (Devon County Council multi agency safeguarding hub) who are available to discuss your concern and advise 0345 155 1071.

Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme

The Department for Education (DfE) funded Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme aims to support children to eat more healthily, be more active over the school holidays and have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition as well as be more engaged with school and other local services.

If your child is eligible for free school meals and you would like a HAF code to attend this programme please contact the school office, 01884 252445.

Tiverton Nativity Trail

We are delighted that Heathcoat Primary School have taken part in creating a life-sized 3-D model of Mary and Joseph for a Christmas Nativity Trail around Tiverton. Tiverton Baptist Church have organised this event that will be taking place on Saturday the 16th and Sunday 17th December from 2-5pm. You can collect a free trail map from the Baptist Church on Newport street. We would like to thank Mr Newsome, Mr Ferdinando and the children from Mr Ferdinando’s sewing club who created these wonderful models and we hope that you have fun trying to find them and all the other scenes from the nativity story.

Spark UK competition

Connor Warren, former pupil and founder of Spark Uk is running an art-based competition for schools and families across the country with their partners at Ootiboo. The competition is star themed and they encourage students to decorate stars in whatever way they wish. Prizes for the competition include a hamper of £60 of TY beanie boos, a £50 book hamper and many other prizes.

It would be great if some of our children took part at home!


Congratulations to Kelsey who swam for Tiverton Swimming club, at the National Arena League in Newport on Saturday. Kelsey gained her Devon County qualifying time for 50m freestyle, 39.05 seconds. Tiverton Swimming club not only won the gala on Saturday, they they were overall division one winners.

If your child is unwell, consult HANDi this winter

Doctors in Devon are reminding parents to consult the free HANDi app if they aren’t sure what to do when their child is unwell this winter.
The award-winning app, available to download onto any Apple or Android device, was launched specifically with children in mind and is loaded with expert advice, support and guidance for parents with concerns about their children.
It covers a range of common conditions such as high temperatures, chestiness, abdominal pain, headaches and rashes, which can cause concern to a parent or carer if they are not sure what to do.
The app asks a series of questions about the child's symptoms and then advises the best course of action to take, whether to treat the condition at home, consult a pharmacist or GP, and if it is serious directing users to their nearest hospital

Don't miss your chance to get vaccinated!

People are being reminded to get their winter jabs with less than two weeks until online bookings close for COVID-19 and flu vaccines. The NHS is urging anyone still eligible for these vaccines to book an appointment and get potentially lifesaving protection ahead of Christmas.
Everyone aged 65 years old and over, pregnant women, and individuals with certain long-term health conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular disease, are eligible for free flu and COVID-19 vaccines.
The NHS online booking system, NHS App and 119 phone service will be closed for flu and COVID-19 vaccine bookings from Friday 15 December, making Thursday 14 December the last day to make a booking. So don't delay, book today!

Learner of the Week

FSA Delilah
1B Ida
1D Arthur
2G Mollie
2P Ivy
3/4 CB James N
3/4 CP Lola L
3/4 MP Emily
5F Tanner
5K Morgan
6S Kelsey
6S/T Kai

Lunchtime Behaviour

FSDB Bonnie C
2P Jack
3/4 CP Halie
3/4 MP Olivers
5F Daisy
5K Lexi
6S Kaitlyn M

Best Attendance

2P - 98.8%

Classes with attendance over 97% - FSA, 3/4CP & 5K

Diary Dates

Term Dates

Last day of Autumn Term: Friday 15th December
First day of Spring Term: Tuesday 2nd January
Spring Term Half: Monday 12th - Friday 16th February
Last day of Spring Term: Thursday 28th March

Heathcoat Heroes

The children below have all reached the very top of our learning behaviours and expectations system last week.

1B - Isaac, Jack 1D - William, Toby & Maisie

2G - Naaya, Ronnie R, Effie & Pippa

2P - Troy 3/4CP - Wyatt

5F - Ava 5K - Raven

6S/T - Sienna, Lily -Rose & Ellie

6S - Lianna, Corben & Connor

Absence reporting email

If your child is unwell, please contact the school office by 9.15am by telephone (01884 252445) or email (, on each day that your child is absent. Please could we ask that you include the child's name, class and reason for absence (i.e. sickness). If no contact is made, we will follow our attendance procedures and a member of senior leadership may visit your home address.

Are your contact details up to date?

Please advise the office of any changes in your contact details by emailing