
Heathcoat Primary School

Aspiring to achieve our best: moving forward together!

Newsletter | 7th May 2024

Year 3 Art

Year 3 have been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. The children then took some time to look around the field and identify patterns and materials to use.

Year 4 Wildwoods Escot

The year 4 children had an amazing time on their residential at Wildwoods Escot. They spent 3 days sleeping in the yurt village and taking part in some exciting activities. They learnt some bush crafts, went on an animal encounter to see some bears and wild boars and even did a very muddy swamp walk. All the children were amazing and really well behaved. We were really proud to be able to take them on such a fantastic trip.

Pupil's mobile phones

Only children in year 5 and 6 are allowed to bring mobile phones to school once the phone contract has been signed and returned. Mobile phones should be handed to the class teacher at the start of the day. All other items should be kept at home including toys. Last week we identified that 4 mobile phones, a kindle and a speaker had not be handed in. The kindle and speaker should not be coming to school. If a child repeatedly forgets to hand in their phone, they will not be allowed to bring it to school.

Parent's mobile phones

Please can I remind parents that mobiles phones should not be used on school site including when collecting children from after school clubs. We still have children on site at after school club once most of the children have left and school policies still apply after 3.30pm.

Martial arts club

Please can we ask parents not to come onto the school site before 4.15pm as we still have children at after school club who will be outside now the weather is warmer. Please ensure your mobile phone is in your pocket or your bag.

SEND Coffee Mornings for parents - all welcome

Our next parent coffee morning is on Tuesday 21st May 9am to 10:30am.
The topic this time is 'The Ambassador Volunteer programme'. Our visiting speaker, Sarah Lord, will come along to share how she has supported parents in schools across Devon. This is a really exciting opportunity for our school, and should become another positive way to help parents of children with SEND at HPS. Do come along to find out more. Even if running such a group is not really for you, you may well want to find out more about what such a group could offer you.

Please click the link below, or use the QR code to register your interest.

Census Meal Competition

The winning names were submitted by River in year 1:

Main: Margarita pizza - "Pizzasaurus Rex"
Vegetarian: Mac n Cheese - "Cheesy Mac' attack"
Dessert: Surprise chocolate brownie - "Willy Wonka's brownie surprise"

The current attendance from the start of the academic year across the school is:

Reception: 95.19%
Year 1: 96.81%
Year 2: 97.22%
Year 3: 96.92%
Year 4: 97.14%
Year 5: 91.45%
Year 6: 93.27%

Wellington School Writing Retreat

4 children from Year 3 and 4 took part in the Wellington School Writing Retreat on the 27th April. They met a range of animals including a corn snake, a hissing cockroach and an owl. They then produced a fact file about one of the animals. They had a wonderful time and produced some amazing writing.

Easter bonnet

Is this your Easter bonnet? If so please come and collect it from the school office.


Congratulations to Ava and Grace who completed a 10k inflatable run on Saturday 27th April.

'Autism and Us' programme

It is not too late to sign up for the free summer term workshops, focusing on different aspects of ASD. Your child needs to have a diagnosis or to be on the diagnosis pathway to be eligible. Many of our parents have taken part already. Is there a session coming up which interests you?

The SEND journey and your rights as a parent/carer

FREE webinar, 'The SEND journey and your rights as a parent/carer'. Please click on the link below for more information.

Join our free webinar: The SEND journey and your rights as a parent/carer (

Learner of the Week

FSDB Edward
FSA Quillan
1B Leo K
1D Charlie
2G Jayden
2P Goodness
3/4 CB Lola M
3/4 CP Lillie H
3/4 MP Emily
5F Blain
5K Raven
6S Mileja
6S/T Kelsie

Lunchtime Behaviour

FSA Reuben
1B James
1D Toby
2G Emmett
2P Eddie
3/4 CB Lydia
3/4 CP Hazel
3/4 MP Ashleigh
5F Freya
5K Izzy
6S/T Lucas

Best Attendance

3/4CP - 98.5%

Classes with attendance over 97% - 2G

Diary Dates

World Environment day - 5th June

Term Dates

Summer Half Term: Monday 27th - Friday 31st May
Last day of Summer Term: Friday 19th July

First day of Autumn term; Thursday 5th September
Autumn Half Term; Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November

Heathcoat Heroes

The children below have all reached the very top of our learning behaviours and expectations system last week.

FSDB - Edward & Paris FSA - Blake, Isaac & Tyler

2P - Isla 2G - Daniels & Daisy 3/4 MP- Isla

Absence reporting email

If your child is unwell, please contact the school office by 9.15am by telephone (01884 252445) or email (, on each day that your child is absent. Please could we ask that you include the child's name, class and reason for absence (i.e. sickness). If no contact is made, we will follow our attendance procedures and a member of senior leadership may visit your home address.

Are your contact details up to date?

Please advise the office of any changes in your contact details by emailing