
Heathcoat Primary School

Aspiring to achieve our best: moving forward together!

Newsletter | 4th December 2023

Christmas Fayre

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Christmas Fayre last Friday. We are thrilled to share the we have raised £1263.33, which will go towards our new playground equipment.

Thank you to everyone who donated, helped before hand and supported HPS on the day- what a wonderful festive community.

Christmas at HPS

Thank you

A huge thank you to Homebase for donating the real Christmas tree and to Siobhan Norwell a kind member of the community for donating an artificial Christmas tree to the school.

Singing Club

On Friday 1st December, 14 members of Mrs Bard and Mrs Addy’s singing club were invited to sing at the all star advent launch event for SPARK UK, a mental health charity, at Exeter Cathedral. The event was organised by Connor Warren, an ex Heathcoat pupil. The children sang beautifully as part of a massed choir big sing and were super representatives of the school. They all enjoyed listening to the other live musicians taking part in the event.

Following on from singing at the cathedral we then went to visit The Larches care home in Tiverton where the children entertained the residents and were treated to a drink and a biscuit afterwards!

Back at school, all of singing club came together on stage in the Blue hall to sing to all our families visiting the Christmas Fayre. They all did amazingly well in front of such a large audience.

Change of collection arrangements

If someone different needs to collect your child, please let the school office know so they can inform the class teacher. If the class teacher is not aware of someone different is collecting, then we will check with you as the parent before letting them go at the end of the day.

Dropping off children at the Broad Lane entrance - POLITE REMINDER

Please can you allow time to park safely and drop your children off in the morning. Please do not drop off your children in the area outside of the main school gates. This morning, there were quite a few parents dropping off in this area, some of whom were driving at speed into the area. We were very concerned for the safety of the children and other members of our school community. We appreciate that it is raining, however that also makes it harder to see the young people as they are crossing the road to enter school.

We will speak to specific parents about this. If this continues, we may pass on the registration details of people dropping off to the local PCSO.

Eco Committee

Our Eco Committee, have been working really hard to improve our Kitchen Garden. This week, they covered the beds for winter, continued weeding and planted daffodils, which will hopefully make an appearance in Spring. Well done Eco Warriors!

Yr3/4 trip to the museum

On Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th November, year 3 and 4 went to Tiverton Museum for a Roman workshop.

We learnt about Roman remains and artefacts that were found here in Tiverton and we got to be archaeologists and dig for some remains. We got to try on some Roman armour, make some mosaics and learnt about what the Romans ate

Even though we thought we were leaving school, we ended up going to Roman School! We did some Maths with Roman numerals and wrote on a wax tablet.

We had a brilliant time!

Attendance at HPS

As you know, the children at HPS also know the value of attending school on time every day. You can see what some of them think on our website: Attendance - Heathcoat Primary School

Next week, children who have achieved 97% attendance or above (as at the end of this week) will be invited to a disco, music and games session in our blue hall. This is an idea that came from the children, as they felt it was good to celebrate those who are achieving good attendance. We appreciate that children cannot help being poorly, and so for some, attendance rewards can be tricky. However we also notice, praise and celebrate those children who have made improvements in their attendance and timekeeping. We also do not include medical appointments and linked absences for children who have ongoing medical issues.

We are considering different ways that we can celebrate and help to improve the attendance of children. Some of this is via educational research and some via the feedback from our pupils. If you have any ideas that you would like to share, please email them to


River earned a Blue Peter badge for writing a review for The Jolly Postman. It is a special Blue Peter badge designed by Sir Quentin Blake!

Setting up new devices

We know that many children may be getting a new device (phone, tablet, laptop). It is important that they are set up from the start with safety controls so that you can keep your child safe online. Below are links to some website who provide advice on how to set up your child's device and how you can keep them safe online.

Digital Parenting - Vodafone UK News Centre
Internet connected devices | NSPCC
Using parental controls (
Setting up devices for kids: Parental controls, avoiding in-app purchases and online safety - Own It - BBC
Connecting Safely Online | Internet Matters

Autism and Us programmes and workshops

You can see the dates for upcoming Autism and Us programmes and workshops below.

Learner of the Week

FSDB Jacob
FSA Sydney
1B Eva-Rose
1D Charlie
2G Freddie
2P Dilans
3/4 CB Scarlett
3/4 CP Willow
3/4 MP Sophia
5F Jesse
5K Lloyd
6S Corben
6S/T Joshua

Lunchtime Behaviour

FSA Bonnie S
2G Ronnie R
2P Riley
5F Freya
6S Kaitlyn

Best Attendance

3/4 CP - 98.5%

Classes with attendance over 97% - 2P & 3/4 CB

Diary Dates

Christmas lunch - 7th December

Term Dates

Last day of Autumn Term: Friday 15th December
First day of Spring Term: Tuesday 2nd January
Spring Term Half: Monday 12th - Friday 16th February
Last day of Spring Term: Thursday 28th March

Heathcoat Heroes

The children below have all reached the very top of our learning behaviours and expectations system last week.

1D - Emily, Charlie, Harlee & Kayde

1B - Leo K & Kaiden

2P - Lotte, Maya & Hattie

6S - Thomas V, Kaitlyn G & Kelsey

6S/T - Isla & Ellie

Absence reporting email

If your child is unwell, please contact the school office by 9.15am by telephone (01884 252445) or email (, on each day that your child is absent. Please could we ask that you include the child's name, class and reason for absence (i.e. sickness). If no contact is made, we will follow our attendance procedures and a member of senior leadership may visit your home address.

Are your contact details up to date?

Please advise the office of any changes in your contact details by emailing