Positive Behaviour for learning policy

Positive Behaviour for learning policy September 2019


To improve the behaviour for learning of pupils at school we will:
• Apply whole school behaviour for learning policy consistently
• Establish and maintain a high profile for behaviour for learning
• Relate behaviour issues directly to the school’s values and ethos
• Monitor progress in behaviour measurable outcomes

To make behaviour for learning a priority for all those associated with the school including pupils, parents, teachers and governors we will:
• Appoint a member of the Senior Leadership Team to lead improvement work and monitor progress
• Publish the policy on the school website and direct parents to it
• Use the school website to promote our behaviour for learning procedures
• Keep the whole school community informed of behaviour issues in termly newsletter items
• Keep Governors up to date through regular feedback from the Head of School and Head of Federation reports to governors

To develop a framework which defines expected behaviour for learning and promotes consistency in applying rewards and consequences we will:
• Link our Learning behaviours and expectations closely to the following agreed learning values and display these across the school;
T teamwork
R respect
A aim high
I independence
N never give up!
• Develop and share clear ‘Learning Behaviours and Expectations’ with staff, pupils, parents and governors. (See appendix 1 and 2)
• Teach our expectations for learning behaviours
• Have clear and agreed consequences and rewards with the use of the ‘Learning Behaviours and Expectations’ system by all staff.

A ‘Learning Behaviour and Expectations’ behaviour chart is displayed in each classroom, with children starting every day on blue and will be expected to stay there or move to green. It is expected that all children will be following our ‘Learning Behaviour and Expectations’ during learning and at break time and lunch time. This scaling approach is used to track behaviour and to identify rewards and consequences.

GreenRaffle ticket for a prize from the Head of School or Assistant Heads of
School and they receive a certificate. The class teacher contacts the
parents to inform them. Their name or photograph is displayed on the
classroom door for the rest of the week. Their name and the reason why
is published in the newsletter and is shared in celebration assembly on a
Light green5 house points and verbal recognition of positive learning behaviours
BlueStart here each day
GreyWarning given about the current behaviour and the possibility of moving
to yellow. They will remain on grey until their behaviour choices improve
to the standard expected at our school where they can move back to
YellowMiss 10 minutes of the next break time or lunchtime depending on timing
of incident (in reception this is 10 mins time out immediately). The class
teacher discusses the behaviour with the child and what they need to do
to improve. After consequence move back to blue.
RedMiss majority of lunchtime, spend time with SLT on duty, eat lunch with
them and reflect on behaviour and write sorry card or draw picture. Have
last 15 minutes of lunchtime. Teacher phone home during lunchtime.
After consequence move back to blue.
If they are on red during the afternoon, then see member of SLT before
the end of the day and miss lunchtime the following day.

Children will be reminded of the learning behaviour and expectations before moving to grey or below.

All sanctions at the level of yellow or red will be recorded on CPOMS and shared with the SLT and the child’s team leader.

Rewards are as follows: –
• If children are going above our ‘Learning behaviours and expectations’, then they will be moved onto light green and earn 5 house points. They will remain on this all day or could move up or down depending on their behaviour choices.
• If children are demonstrating outstanding work or behaviour against our ‘Learning behaviours and expectations’, then they will move up to dark green. They will receive a prize and certificate from the Head of School or Assistant Heads of School and the class teacher will contact the parents. Their name or photograph will be displayed on the classroom door for the rest of the week as well as celebrated in the newsletter and Friday’s assembly.

Any physical abuse of staff or children, serious verbal abuse or complete refusal to follow reasonable adult instructions will result in an immediate move onto red and/or a referral to the SLT who will assess the level of severity of the situation and the sanction required, which could include an exclusion in line with appropriate guidance.

Like all schools bullying will not be tolerated. If we discover that an act of bullying or intimidation has taken place, we will act immediately to stop any further occurrences of such behaviour. All bullying will be recorded on CPOMS.

To provide support, advice and guidance to pupils and parents we will:
• As a whole staff act as positive role models for behaviour for learning
• Highlight behaviour in: Assemblies and newsletters
• Provide regular opportunities between teachers and children to think about how to care, respond and behave in a variety of situations through:
– The learning behaviours and expectations will be discussed regularly in assembly.
– Lessons- in PSHE using the SEAL programme, circle times, BLP and ‘Learning behaviours and expectations’’ discussions
– Staff being available to talk to pupils
• Model and practise what positive behaviours look like
• Offer 1-1 support and/or behaviour contracts for those children who regularly move off the ‘Learning behaviours and expectations’ chart and who are deemed to be putting their learning and the learning of others seriously ‘at risk’
• Involve parents from the earliest stage
• Seek to understand personal behaviour and emotional issues when communicating with parents
Heathcoat Primary School

To provide consistent information for individual parents about behaviour that needs improvement we will:
• Identify patterns of negative behaviour that are affecting learning
• Encourage parents into school to discuss the support we can offer
• Inform parents on a daily/weekly/termly basis of progress depending on mutually agreed need through home/school diary or letter
• Share information about Behaviour Support involvement if negative behaviour persists
• Refer to the Behaviour Support service for strategy advice and support

Please see the appendix for behaviour for changes made due to COVID 19. 

1) Governor’s Statement of Behaviour and Discipline
2) DCC Guidance on Fixed Period Exclusions
3) DCC Guidance on Permanent Exclusions
4) Review of Governor’s Decision to Permanently Exclude
5) National Standard List of Reasons for Exclusion
6) COVID 19

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