
Heathcoat Primary School

Aspiring to achieve our best: moving forward together!

Newsletter | 20th November 2023

Children in Need

Last Friday, to help celebrate children in need children were invited to come to school wearing something yellow or spotty. The children took part in the Bearpee challenge. Thank you to everyone who made a donation, we raised an amazing £217.18.

Class Fundraising

Just a reminder that all Christmas card orders need to be placed by midnight tonight, 20th of November. The online shop closes at midnight, and unfortunately you will not be able to order after this time as they need time to print and deliver in time for Christmas.

Father Christmas Grotto tickets

Tickets are on sale now for Father Christmas' grotto at our Christmas Fayre, which is on Friday 1st December. They MUST be bought beforehand - sales will close on Friday 24th November.

Tickets are £2 per child and each child will receive an individually wrapped gift when they meet Father Christmas.

To purchase your grotto ticket please see Mrs Sullivan at the end of the school day, outside the main office area.
Cash only (please try to bring the correct change).

Maths Drop In

Thank you to all the parents that came into school last Monday afternoon to see Maths in action.

Stand Against Violence

Last Tuesday, Year 6s were really privileged to part of a SAV (Stand Against Violence) workshop.It was led by the team who work closely with the family, following a shocking and sad story where Lloyd Fouracre, aged 17, lost his life.

The children were exceptionally behaved throughout, respectful and reflective thinking about actions, consequences and emotions.

Winter Weather Warnings

On the rare occasion that we might need to close the school due to severe weather, such as snow or flooding, please check the following media platforms for information. Updates will be posted on the school website as soon as a decision is made about a school closure.

School website
Devon Live
HPS Facebook site

As always, we will endeavour to give a decision about school closures as early as possible to help you to make arrangements.

Help wanted

Are there any willing and able parents that can kindly help cover some cushions for the library area?

If so, please speak to Mrs Sullivan (year 6) or Mrs Johnson (year 1).

Christmas colouring

The Kitchen Team from Norse have given us a Christmas colouring placemat that you can print and colour at home. Also a Christmas party hat for the children to colour in. If you need a printed copy of the Christmas hat, please ask your class teacher. The children could colour it in and wear it at home for your Christmas meal - or wear it on our school Christmas meal day, 7th December.

The Big Ambition

Hi, my name is Rachel and I’m the Children’s Commissioner for England.

I have launched this survey,
The Big Ambition, to hear from all children and young people in England aged between 6 and 18 years old. Adults can answer on behalf of a child or young person aged up to 18.

I will use this survey to take children and young people’s views to the Government.

Everything you tell me will be kept private, and you don’t have to answer any question if you don’t want to. To find out more, visit my

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. Just answer honestly!

Please click on the link below to complete the survey

Let's Talk Primary

Following feedback from those attending Let’s Talk Teenagers and Let’s Talk Pre-Teens we are really pleased to announce the launch of Let’s Talk Primary, there will be two sessions aimed at parents and carers of young people aged from 5 to 9 years old, it is a chance for you to hear about the challenges young people face in this ever changing world and to hear about the tools and techniques you can use to support your children. There are two sessions and the topics covered will be as follows: -

Session 1 - Tuesday 14th November

Session 2 - Tuesday 21st November
Gender stereotypes
Positive body image
Mental health

To sign up to Session 2 please go to Let's Talk Primary Session 2

Learner of the Week

FSA Noah
1B Keir
1D Emily
2G Ronnie R
2P Theo
3/4 CB Florence
3/4 CP Wyatt
3/4 MP Jessica
5F Matilda
5K Poppy
6S Lilly-Anne
6S/T Lily-Rose

Lunchtime Behaviour

5F Oakley
6S Alfie H
6S/T Murray

Best Attendance

3/4CB - 99.6%

Classes with attendance over 97% - 1B & 2P

Diary Dates

Book Fair - w/c 27th November

Term Dates

Last day of Autumn Term: Friday 15th December
First day of Spring Term: Tuesday 2nd January
Spring Term Half: Monday 12th - Friday 16th February
Last day of Spring Term: Thursday 28th March

Heathcoat Heroes

The children below have all reached the very top of our learning behaviours and expectations system last week.

1B- Ava-Rose, Ava R, Summer, Callie-Marnie & Migle

5K- Archie 5F- Layla, Lacey, Zack, Riley & Jack

6S- Kaitlyn M 6S/T- Josh, Lucas, Taylan, Kelsie T

Absence reporting email

If your child is unwell, please contact the school office by 9.15am by telephone (01884 252445) or email (, on each day that your child is absent. Please could we ask that you include the child's name, class and reason for absence (i.e. sickness). If no contact is made, we will follow our attendance procedures and a member of senior leadership may visit your home address.

Are your contact details up to date?

Please advise the office of any changes in your contact details by emailing