HPS School Council 2022-2023
The School Council has key responsibilities:
- To represent pupils, discuss issues that classes bring to their attention and work to resolve them.
- To select the charities that the school will support each academic year, which this year will be Diabetes UK.
- To respond to annual pupil survey results and work to solve problems.
- To help with school development to make the school an even better place to learn.
“I want to make the school a better place and make sure everyone enjoys it as much as I do!”
“I want to make the school better.”
“I want to get our voice heard and make a change.”
“I want to change our school for the better!”
“I want to be a voice for my class and the pupils!”
“I want to raise lots and lots of money for the school!”
“I want to make the school better by raising money through fundraising.”
“I want to be helpful and supportive of others in the school.”
What we have been doing so far:
19th July 2023
Last term, the school council wrote the following letter to Mid Devon District council to ask them to review the times that they emptied the bins in Westexe park, as it coincided with school drop-off times. Mid Devon District council have now agreed to adjust the times that they empty the bins.
Tuesday 6th June
Today, we represented our school in the D-Day celebration. We learnt lots of interesting facts and paid our respect to those people who lost their lives for us to live as we are today.
The children were extremely well behaved, which was noticed by others:
“We just wanted to say on behalf of the Town Council and British Legion, how impressed we were with your students who came along to the D-Day Commemoration at People’s Park today.
They were so polite, listened with keen interest, answered questions and participated in the blessings and prayers. They were all so lovely and a real credit to your school, the staff should be incredibly proud.”
June 2023
Richard Foord MP visited HPS to explain about his role in the community.
November 2022
We have been planting a range of trees around the school grounds that were kindly donated by the Woodland Trust.
December 2022
We made lots and lots of yummy, delicious treats and sold them at the end of the school day. They sold out within minutes!
We raised £173.02