The Learning Pit

The Learning Pit theory is a powerful tool that can help students develop a growth mindset and take ownership of their learning. We can support our child’s learning by helping them to understand the theory and providing them with strategies for getting out of the pit.

‘In English, I had to write a paragraph and I did not know what to write. I used my teacher’s ideas from the board. I felt really happy when I had finished, because I had done a good job at it.’
Ula Y6

The Learning Pit approach was created by James Nottingham, and we are indebted to him for giving permission for us to use this approach at Heathcoat Primary School.

‘In English, I had 2 minutes to write a long sentence, so I used the sound map to help me. Inside I was happy.’
Mollie Y2

At HPS, we have five key values:

T – Teamwork
R – Respect
A – Aim High
I – Independence
N – Never Give Up!

To help the children to develop their independence and resilience as learners, we have started to use the analogy of the Learning Pit.


We were doing multiplicative reasoning. My teacher taught us the box method. It was hard because it was new. I was confused. I didn’t give up. I said to myself ‘you can do it’ and I did.
George Y4

‘In Maths, I got stuck in the learning pit while doing a really hard multiplication. I got out by using what I already knew to help me. I felt really angry and worried when I was in the pit, and I felt proud and happy at the end.’
Meadow Y5

We want our children to understand that:

  • Learning is effortful – you need to try and you need to engage with the task. Adults can’t do it for you.
  • Learning can be uncomfortable, as you struggle with new concepts and skills, and that’s OK
  • You can help yourself to get out of the learning pit
  • A ‘safe’ struggle to grasp something new leads to Eureka! moments and builds your self-esteem as a learner.
  • If you have struggled to learn something, you are more likely to remember it.

‘I used the learning pit in Read Write Inc. I wrote the letter X again. I felt happy when I got it.’
Summer Y1

The School Councillors have led the roll out of this approach across the school. Once they understood the learning pit idea, they took it back to their classes to explain it to their friends. Now we all talk about our learning using this idea, and we are becoming more resilient and independent all of the time.

‘The other day, I was sitting at my desk, stuck at Maths. So I thought about the Learning Pit and got out.’
Miley Y4

Here is a selection of posters, designed by the children, which we have up across the school and refer to as we learn.

‘Today we learnt a new sound in Read Write inc. I get happy when I learn a new sound because I want to learn all of them. I was in the learning pit at first, but when my teacher had taught it to us, I knew it.’
Dylan Y1

In February 2024 we held a series of workshops for parents, to explore the concept of the Learning Pit.

Parents were overwhelmingly positive, with all of those attending feeling like they’d not only be able to support their children’s education better as a consequence, but that they could also implement similar strategies at home. 

Here is a flavour of the feedback: 

“Enjoyed learning about new culture that school is embedding with regards to learning. It is challenging but makes the children more independent and importantly resilient. Also, how we can support this at home.” 

“Good meeting advising what Learning pit is. Helpful as my children don’t tell me anything. Definitely something to try at home.”  

“This was really helpful and wish I understood this concept of learning when I was a child.” 

 ”A very well thought out, thought provoking session. Its nice to see how its being implemented in school and how I can help my children at home using the same language.” 

“Very informative session, with lots to take away and implement at home, as well as support child’s school day.”  

“Good meeting advising what Learning pit is. Helpful as my children don’t tell me anything. Definitely something to try at home.” 

“Great working together to find solutions. Excellent for school and home.” 


If you weren’t able to attend one of the meetings, but would like to find out more, do please watch this introductory video for parents: Learning Pit for Parents (English) on Vimeo or read this helpful webpage: The Learning Pit – Parents 


We thank James Nottingham for giving us permission to use the Learning Pit at Heathcoat Primary School.

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