Transition at Heathcoat Primary School
We are delighted that you have chosen Heathcoat Primary School for your child and look forward to working closely with you and your family over the coming years.
We encourage all children and their parents who are starting at our school come and have a look around our wonderful school.
We realise that starting school is a huge step for both you and your child, and our aim is to make the transition into school as happy and smooth as possible.
Heathcoat Nursery and Reception classes are a well-established unit that strives for all children to thrive in a learning environment that is stimulating, nurturing, with experienced, dedicated staff that enable all children to reach their full potential. The Nursery works very closely with the Reception teachers and children as a Foundation Stage Unit and understand the importance of a smooth transition into full time education. The children are able to access the Nursery and Reception garden throughout the year. This enables all Nursery and Reception staff get to know the children across the Foundation Stage exceptionally well. Younger and older children play and learn from each other and all children experience a smooth transition when it is time for Nursery children to move on to Reception, as the staff and classrooms are so familiar to them.
We consider transition within school to their new class in September to be as important as when your child initially starts with us. During the summer term, the children spend a day with their new class teacher for September with the children who will be in their class in September. This gives the children and teacher the opportunity to get to know each other and the classroom they will be in. Each year we will carefully consider the balance of children in each class (gender, ability etc) and classes may stay the same for the following year or we may mix the classes up.
Teachers will meet with the next teacher to share key information which will include friendships, academic ability, interventions, pupil passports if they have one, strengths and areas for development to support a smooth transition to the next class.
Teachers will offer a session for parents to meet them and find out more about the curriculum and expectations for the year. This is an opportunity to ask any questions.
A booklet about the new teacher and their new classroom for September will be shared with you on Google Classroom or Tapestry (EYFS) so you can refer to it as and when during the summer holidays.
We also have a school Facebook page, where we regularly post pictures of the pupils and celebrate their work.
If you can’t find the information you need, please don’t hesitate to telephone our admin team 01884 252445, who will be happy to help you.
Transition for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
We understand how difficult it can be for children with SEND and their parents/carers as they move into a new class or a new school. We will do what we can, according to the individual needs of the child, to make transitions between classes – including from preschool provision – as smooth as possible.
In addition to the usual transition arrangements, for those with SEN we can also arrange:
- Additional meetings for the parents and child with the new teacher
- Additional visits to the classroom environment to identify where the toilets are, where the pegs are etc.
- Opportunities to take photographs of key people and places to make a personalised transition booklet.
Our enhanced transition arrangements are tailored to meet a child’s individual needs, through discussions with parents and appropriate other professionals.
We also support children with SEND as they move on from Heathcoat Primary School.
Transition reviews for Year 6 pupils on a statutory plan (EHCP) are held, where possible in the Summer term of Year 5. A member of the SEND team from the local Secondary School is invited to Annual Reviews and other review meetings. Additional transition arrangements may be made at these reviews e.g. extra visits, travel training etc. A programme of additional transition visits for key pupils is organised with the SENDCo from the new secondary school. This is shared with parents and meetings arranged as needed to enable parents to share concerns and discuss plans. Pupil Passports are updated by class teachers, alongside the SEND Team where relevant, and shared with the SENDCo at the Secondary school to enable support to be planned.
Introducing our teachers
Mrs Gunn- EYFS team leader
Mrs Addy – EYFS teachers
Key Stage 1
Mrs Budden – Key Stage team leader
Miss Davis, Miss Bowkett, Mrs Bard, Mrs Budden & Mrs Johnson – Year 1 and 2 teachers
Key Stage 2
Mrs Sullivan – Key stage team leader & Year 5 and 6 teacher
Mrs Kinver, Mr Pitt, Miss Pearson and Mr Payne – Year 3 and 4 teachers
Mr Ferdinando, Mrs Cornish, Mrs Soper, & Mrs Sullivan – Year 5 and 6 teachers
These PowerPoint documents will provide you with some valuable information on transition.
Foundation welcome pack Nursery Brochure Sept 23
Reception welcome pack Reception Brochure
Welcome presentation for Reception parents: Welcome to Reception Power Point 2022-2023
If your child is starting Nursery or Reception for the first time there is some additional information included.
Guidance on preparing your child for school: Download
Kooth is a free, anonymous and safe online mental wellbeing community, commissioned by Children
and Family Health Devon. Please read and watch this useful transition information.