Early Years Nursery Photo Gallery 2023/24
The big brush club
The nursery have been enthusiastically brushing our teeth after lunch following the NHS’s new push on healthy teeth for children. We use Monty the ‘big mouth’ to demonstrate good brushing. The scheme is called ‘The Big Brush Club’ and the aim is to get children in both nursery and reception to brush their teeth during the school day to tackle tooth decay.
Number Day
The Nursery children enjoyed spending the day exploring numbers. We dressed up in numbers and went on a number hunt. We were really excited to have Numberblocks visit us!
Nursery Experiment
We have enjoyed the story ‘Mr Grump’s Outing’ and wanted to test out objects that would float or sink. We made predictions before we tested out our theories like ‘real scientists’. We then recorded our findings. We were quite surprised that the wooden stick floated as it was really heavy and the cotton wool sank even though it was really light.
Pond cleaning
Once again we got involved in helping to clean out the Nursery pond. We had help to catch and remove the 26 fish and all had the opportunity to have a good look at all the different sized fish. We emptied the whole pond and gave it a good clean with brushes. We then filled it back up and carefully emptied the fish back in. It was a very messy activity but was lots of fun!
Enjoying our outside garden area
We love being outside in our garden area and really enjoy participating in physical activities. We love to use the large tyres and big planks to make our own obstacle course to climb on. We all helped to make this area better by adding wood chip so we can use it all year around.
Bug hotel
We have put our bug hotels out into our Nursery garden. We all helped to fill more pots full of leaves and sticks to make cozy homes for the local bugs. We are enjoying looking for lots of different insects which may come to stay with us.
Learning about colours
Nursery have been learning all about colours this week. We have read ‘Brown bear, brown bear’ which is all about colours and we have been doing some amazing science experiments with colour mixing. We did one experiment called ‘walking water’ and found out how you can mix two colours together to make a new colour. Have a look at our photos. We know all about mixing colours now!
Bird Watch
This week, w/c 29th January, Nursery have taken part in the RSPB bird watch. We have enjoyed making bird feeders to encourage more birds into our outside area. We have tried really hard to be quiet outside and used binoculars to spot different birds. We have also enjoyed watching a brave, cheeky squirrel who is visiting us daily to eat seeds from our bird box. He is very funny!