Demystifying SEND – free session for parents and carers

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Whether you are new to SEND or already on your journey, this session from DIAS is aimed at parent/carers supporting their child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who would like to find out more about how SEND support should work.

The sessions are aimed at parents starting their journey or part way through. Helping parents to understand how they can access information and which services may be available for them, highlighting the graduated response and the terminology around send in schools.( Universal, targeted , specialist services terminology, working with school in a plan do review type approach).

The sessions aim to signpost to information and service websites that are already out there and linked to the Devon Local offer webpage.

To book sessions:

Some people will know from birth that their child has a disability and will have information given by health professionals. For many parents the special educational needs of their child emerge over time. Wherever you are on your journey you need access to clear information and this session has been designed to get you help you find information relevant to your child.

This session is aimed at parent/carers on the journey of supporting their child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Often parents do not know where to find the information they need to support their child or what to expect in terms of support.

This 2 hr session aims to signpost and highlight pathways for supporting SEND children and their families.

The sessions will be delivered in a varied virtual format, a combination of presentation and participation with a questions segment at the end.

If you would like to know more about the sessions please email:

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