Nursery Eco-day

Nursery were very busy with their parents, gardening and worm charming for eco day. We planted lots of flowers and vegetables. A huge thank you to all who donated and helped us.

Year 4 Lifepath event

Year 4 spent the day at St Paul’s Church learning all about the Wesley family. We looked at their lifepath and how important they were to modern life. The children took part in different workshops throughout the day as well as hearing different stories about the Wesley family. They had to escape from the headmaster’s room by solving different clues, they learnt to write with a quill and they made medicine from plants and flowers. The children had an amazing day finding out abut Lifepath and the Wesley family.

Summer Garden Open Day at Blundell’s

Today, our Eco Committee had a great time at the Summer Garden Open Day at Blundell’s School. They used their maths knowledge to estimate the size of objects that could be found within the garden. They finished off the morning with a refreshing ice lolly!

Year 5 Pizza Making

Our Year 5s have been super busy making their pizzas, that they designed. They made the dough, cut their ingredients, designed packaging and tested their tasty creations!

Wilcombe Wobbler

Congratulations to the children from years, 3, 4, 5 and 6 who took part in the Wilcombe Wobbler this week. They showed amazing support cheering on their team for each race. We came 3rd in the year 3/4 girls race and 3rd in the year 4/5 boys race. As a school we came 3rd overall behind Tidcombe and Two Moors. We were all really proud of the children who took part and they were represented the school excellently.

Year 3 & 4 Art

Year 3  & 4 have come to the end of their printing unit of work. We finished off by using poo bags filled with air to create flower prints. They loved the technique and were so impressed the results, as were we! They looked fantastic!

THS Y5/6 Cricket- Tues 21st May 2024

Joe C, Corben D, Kaitlyn G, Taylan L, Dexter M, Zach H, Archie S, Wilbur H, Alfie D and Charlie W, otherwise known in the competition as the  ‘Newsome Knockouts’ were an absolute credit to the school. Taylan, captained the side and encouraged great sportsmanship celebrating after each game with three cheers, shaking their opponents hands and thanking the young THS Leaders for umpiring. There were many moments where our teams fielding skills prevented the opposition scoring runs and fantastic reactions from Archie and Dexter who caught many players out. Terrific wicket keeping from Corben and Kaitlyn. When batting they demonstrated some ‘knockout’ hits enabling our team to win all  four games convincingly.

Thank you to Ms Hughes for entering the team along with Mrs Brandon-Brown and Mrs Soper who supported and cheered the team on.

3/4MP Computing

3/4MP have been creating book trailers based on traditional tales. They have been working very hard!

Blundell’s Netball

The children had a fantastic time at the netball competition at Blundell’s School. The Blundell’s sports leaders started with a warm up and netball exercises and then we went into the competition. There were eight primary schools altogether. Both our teams played amazingly well and showed great sportsmanship. They cheered each other on and congratulated the opposing team at the end of each match. Team A came away winning the whole competition. They kept scoring goals and there was some great defending too. Team B also did really well and came out feeling very pleased and proud of their achievements. Both teams dedicated their games to Mr Newsome. He would have been so proud of them all.

New Arrivals

Over the last few weeks  3/4MP have been incubating eggs from our school chickens. They finally hatched this week and we now have 4 very cute little chick in school. The children are enjoying looking after them and watching them grow and change.