Death of Mark Newsome

We are sad to announce the death of our colleague, teaching assistant Mark Newsome.

Mark has been a valued member of our team and hugely popular with staff and pupils at school, and will be missed terribly. He was such a huge part of the whole community.

This has been a shock for us all, and we have been careful to ensure that those affected by this tragic loss have been made aware of Mark’s passing with an appropriate level of care and support.

Our deepest condolences go to Mark’s family and friends at such a difficult time.

Year 4 Wildwoods Escot trip

Last week the year 4 children had an amazing time on their residential at Wildwoods Escot. They spent 3 days sleeping in the yurt village and taking part in some exciting activities. They learnt some bush crafts, went on an animal encounter to see some bears and wild boars and even did a very muddy swamp walk.  All the children were amazing and really well behaved. We were really proud to be able to take them on such a fantastic trip.

Exmoor Challenge

A huge congratulations to Corben, Mileja, Riley, Megan, Khloe, Poppy, Kaitlyn and Ellie who all completed the 16.1 miles over Exmoor National Park on Saturday 4th May in the 2024 Exmoor Challenge. 118 Junior and 10 Senior teams took part from 55 different schools and organisations. Overall there were 503 children who started the Challenge.  Tired but elated,  a massive congratulations to our two teams who managed the whole course and were awarded their medals.. Our Girl’s team came 20th overall and our mixed team came 21st.

Year 3 Art

Year 3 have been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. The children then took some time to look around the field and identify patterns and materials to use.

The big brush club

The nursery have been enthusiastically brushing our teeth after lunch following the NHS’s new push on healthy teeth for children. We use Monty the ‘big mouth’ to demonstrate good brushing. The scheme is called ‘The Big Brush Club’ and the aim is to get children in both nursery and reception to brush their teeth during the school day to tackle tooth decay.

Year 2 Multi skills

On Thursday, some Year 2 children took part in Multi Skills at the Astro. All of the children took part enthusiastically and had a great time!

Eco Warriors

This afternoon, our Eco Warriors have been working really hard in the kitchen garden. They have planted a range of seed and plants, repaired the planters and have been doing lots of weeding.
They have done an amazing job!

Thank you to everyone who kindly donated any seedlings and seeds!

World Autism Awareness Day

It was wonderful to see all of the different-coloured clothes, which showed that we celebrate and embrace differences at HPS.



Year 3 & 4 Art

On Tuesday, Year 3 & 4 started their new art unit on printing. They explored the different kinds of prints you could get from classroom objects. They also enjoyed using white ink on black paper.

Year 1 Exmoor Zoo

On Tuesday 26th March, year one enjoyed a visit from Exmoor zoo and found it really interesting. Rob from the zoo brought some interesting animals with him, and we could look at them closely and touch them if we wanted to. We learnt a lot about classifying animals which is helping us greatly with our science topic on Animals.