THS Y5/6 Cricket- Tues 21st May 2024

Joe C, Corben D, Kaitlyn G, Taylan L, Dexter M, Zach H, Archie S, Wilbur H, Alfie D and Charlie W, otherwise known in the competition as the  ‘Newsome Knockouts’ were an absolute credit to the school. Taylan, captained the side and encouraged great sportsmanship celebrating after each game with three cheers, shaking their opponents hands and thanking the young THS Leaders for umpiring. There were many moments where our teams fielding skills prevented the opposition scoring runs and fantastic reactions from Archie and Dexter who caught many players out. Terrific wicket keeping from Corben and Kaitlyn. When batting they demonstrated some ‘knockout’ hits enabling our team to win all  four games convincingly.

Thank you to Ms Hughes for entering the team along with Mrs Brandon-Brown and Mrs Soper who supported and cheered the team on.
