A letter to parents has been sent out today. Due to its importance we have duplicated it here.
Friday 10th April 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you are all well and are keeping safe. Please say hello to your child from all the staff at school – we miss them lots.
As you are aware school remains closed for the vast majority of children. This letter contains important information for the small number of children returning to school on 14th April.
Important information:
• Children will need to wear school uniform.
• Children will be able to order a school meal. The menu will not be as advertised due to reduced staffing. Tuesday’s menu will be burger, salad and wedges with the option of a veggie burger.
• A board near the front door will direct you to the correct classrooms via external doors.
• If your child is showing any symptoms of the virus (high temperature or a new and persistent cough) please don’t send them to school and follow the staying at home guidance.
• If you or any members of the household are showing any symptoms of the virus (high temperature or a new and persistent cough) please do not come onto the school site and follow the staying at home guidance.
The government has produced guidance for schools around implementing social distancing for pupils, parents and staff in school which has meant that we have changed some of our routines and practices during the school day.
• Entrance to school will be through the car park gate only. The car park will be closed unless you have a parking permit and a member of the leadership team will be on duty to supervise the start and end of the day. The park gate and the pedestrian entrance on Broad Lane will be closed to ensure social distancing can be maintained.
• 2 metre markings will be in place outside the classrooms to support social distancing, similar to those being seen in supermarkets currently.
• 2 metre markings in the hall and cathedral will support the children in applying social distancing.
• Children will wash hands on arrival and will regularly wash hands during the day.
• We will talk to the children about social distancing and posters will be displayed in school to remind them.
• Children will not sit next to each other at the tables or on the carpet and will sit with a gap between them.
• Toys that are used will be washed daily.
• We will consider the number of children we have in each classroom to ensure we can implement social distancing.
• The minimum number of staff will be in school each day.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and support with implementing the above changes to support the guidance by the government. You may want to go through these changes with your child at home before they come to school, so they are prepared.
Just a reminder we have created an online booking form for key workers and those children requiring provision at school over the coming weeks. Please remember that school provision currently is the absolute last resort for families. The DfE advises that every child who can be safely cared for at home should be, and the over-riding message from the Government remains – Stay at home, Protect the NHS, Save lives.
Please click on the link below to book places for your child at school.
The home learning page will be updated on 13th April with new learning for the coming week. The teachers will be in email contact each week so feel free to ask them if you have any questions about the learning. Just a reminder that some teachers will be working in school and so may not be able to contact you until the end of the week. Keep sending us your photos of the home learning as we are enjoying seeing all the children’s hard work at home.
We will continue to keep in contact with you via email, text, the school website and Facebook page. The school office remains open during the school day.
I would like to wish you all well.
Take care and stay safe.
Kind regards,
Miss Higginson
Head of School