Attached is information about a competition for the KS2 children to enter by 18 June 2020. The competition is to learn more about themselves, learn more about the jobs within the NHS and create either a piece of creative ARTWORK (could be painting/drawing/chalkwork or video/ performance/slideshow) or WRITING e.g. story or thank you card – something that says THANK YOU to the NHS.
There is no obligation to enter, but the winner gets a £50 Amazon voucher! All entries must come via class teachers and be in by the morning of 18th June to ensure that teachers have the time to submit them to the national competition by 19th June. This leaflet explains more: Leaflet_for_parents
1. Read the Word document which explains the competition.
2. Go to this link for the resources that you will need. https://www.stepintothenhs.
Good luck!