Year 6 vote for new representatives

During the international democracy day, Y6 not only voted for their new class school councillors they also voted for two they wanted to represent our HPS house teams. Here are our successful representatives.

As part of the weekly celebration assembly, they will collect and celebrate their house teams achievements and dress the House cup with their house colours before celebrating together with the rest of the school.

Forest Schools begins

Forest Schools began for our year 1 children in 1B on Friday and they had such a fabulous time. Session 1 focused on keeping ourselves safe around fire and water. Mr Newsome led the session, teaching the children about the flora and fauna and encouraging their investigative skills.

The children were amazed to find (and hold) some newts. They can’t wait until next week. Here is some feedback from some children:

“I loved being around the fire the best”.

“I liked playing hide and seek and the mud!”.

“My favourite part was finding acorns.”

“I liked it when we were holding the newts. I didn’t hold one but I touched it and it felt squidgy!”

Health for Kids website launched

DCC Public Health Nursing has launched a new website to provide school age children and their parents/carers with health and wellbeing advice. The websites developed with Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, includes evidenced based national content which has been co-designed with parents, carers, children and young people as well as locally written content and information about Devon services.

Health for Kids provides information for primary school aged children and includes games, videos and quizzes. The site consists of four different worlds: Staying Healthy, Illness, Feelings and Getting Help. Each world is populated with different areas for children to learn about their health.

There is a separate area for grown-ups for in-depth guidance and localised information (