COVID-19 update

Devon County Council has issued an update on COVID-19. This is the content of their most recent communication:

As you may have seen in the news, cases of COVID-19 are rising again.  Here in Devon we still have lower rates than many parts of the country, but it is expected that Devon’s rates will continue to rise as we all start to socialise more.  This is starting to be reflected in the rise in positive cases among school age children in the county. 

We want to thank parents and carers for all you are doing to help keep school communities safe – and ask everyone to keep going with the ‘hands, face, space and fresh air’ measures when you and your family are out and about, as well as at school:

·       Wash hands frequently

·       Use face coverings where required, including school transport, public transport, and indoor public spaces

·       Make space – keep your social distance

·       Choose to meet outside in the fresh air where possible


Regular testing also helps to stop the spread of the virus – here’s a reminder of what tests are available and when to use them:

LFD tests (Lateral Flow Device)

LFD tests can identify people with lots of the virus and who are very infectious.  1 in 3 people with COVID-19 have no symptoms and could be spreading the virus to other people without knowing.  These tests are for people who do not have any symptoms of coronavirus.  They provide quick results within half an hour, so that you can get on with your day if you test negative, remembering to keep following public health guidance.  If you test positive, you’ll need to arrange a follow-up PCR test (see below).  LFD tests are available for all adults and secondary aged pupils to test twice weekly.   You can pick them up for free from your local pharmacy, and they are available to order online for home delivery.  Assistance with the test is available at any of our Community Testing sites.  You can find details about where our sites are across Devon on our website,

PCR tests (Polymerase Chain Reaction)

PCR tests are more sensitive and used to confirm if someone has COVID-19.  The result takes longer as it is processed in a lab.  PCR tests are for people with COVID-19 symptoms – high temperature, new and continuous cough, change to usual sense of taste or smell – or for follow up after a positive LFD result.  Close contacts of a positive COVID-19 case can also get a PCR test.

Please remember to report test results on the national website as well as to the school, this helps us monitor cases and support quick and appropriate action to keep schools operating as normal.

You can keep up to date with the latest coronavirus news from Devon County Council.

Download their advice to parents and carers here:

Schools advice to parents and carers – JUNE 2021 final

Easter Holiday Activities and Food Programme – Website now live

School gates

Further to the information shared on Friday, please see the attached link which gives details of the Easter Holiday Activities Programme which is available for children in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals:

Details of the locations and nature of the provision available can be found via the link and bookings should be made directly with the provider. Please do promote this opportunity to eligible families.

Red Nose Day 2021

Red Nose Day 2021

What a great day we all had – as the pictures show!

Support for speech, language and communication needs

We hope these additional resources will be of use.

‘Speech and Language Link’ Parent Portal

‘Speech and Language Link’ have put together some games and activities for parents/carers to use at home to encourage their child’s talking and listening. The speech activities develop a child’s ability to hear speech sounds and the language activities focus on supporting understanding of language. For more information please visit:

Local resources and information

Don’t forget to also keep an eye on our local websites for further examples of activities and information about resources and support available in Devon including from Children, Family Health Devon and Babcock LDP:

Devon Local Offer- speech, language and communication

CFHD resources and information for parents/carers

CFHD preschool speech and language FB page

CFHD school age speech and language FB page

Babcock LDP resources for parents/carers/pupils

The Christmas message for St Paul’s Church

Christmas mural

Children from Year 4 have been inspired by the Christmas message to create a complex mural for display outside of St Paul’s Church in Church Street.

We’re so proud of the effort that has gone in to the hand painted mural, made of more than 60 separate pieces, each created by individual children. The artwork will be unveiled on Christmas Eve.

Demystifying SEND – free session for parents and carers

send info

Whether you are new to SEND or already on your journey, this session from DIAS is aimed at parent/carers supporting their child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who would like to find out more about how SEND support should work.

The sessions are aimed at parents starting their journey or part way through. Helping parents to understand how they can access information and which services may be available for them, highlighting the graduated response and the terminology around send in schools.( Universal, targeted , specialist services terminology, working with school in a plan do review type approach).

The sessions aim to signpost to information and service websites that are already out there and linked to the Devon Local offer webpage.

To book sessions:

Some people will know from birth that their child has a disability and will have information given by health professionals. For many parents the special educational needs of their child emerge over time. Wherever you are on your journey you need access to clear information and this session has been designed to get you help you find information relevant to your child.

This session is aimed at parent/carers on the journey of supporting their child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Often parents do not know where to find the information they need to support their child or what to expect in terms of support.

This 2 hr session aims to signpost and highlight pathways for supporting SEND children and their families.

The sessions will be delivered in a varied virtual format, a combination of presentation and participation with a questions segment at the end.

If you would like to know more about the sessions please email:

send info












Guidance for returning to school in September

School gates

The following videos will help our children understand where they need to go in the new terms to access their bubbles. Start with the ‘Welcome’ video please, and please also see the document explaining what the school now looks like, to share with your children.

What does the school look like now?

How does the school look now PDF

Letter to parents and carers

This is a copy of a letter that has been sent to all parents and carers.

Start of term letter to parents 2.9.2020

Other useful documents

You may also want to read these useful information guides about how children can better understand the concept of a bubble and social distancing; helping children feel less anxious about coming back to school in these difficult times.

Back-to-school-September – ELSA story to share with children

COVID19_My Back to School Bubble
