The Big Battery Hunt

Over 2000 batteries have been collected for the Big Battery Hunt.

Science Strawberry fun

On Thursday, some children were extracting DNA from a strawberry. They used their HPS TRAIN skills to work together well as a team, showing one another respect as they took turns to mush the strawberries in a plastic bag.  The children watched a video explaining the task first, so they knew what to expect. They were then able to follow instructions and use their skills of independence to make the experiment a success. The liquid containing the DNA took a while to drip through, so they also showed resilience and the N of TRAIN – never give up! Each group was successful in getting the DNA and the children really enjoyed the task.

We also made Lava lamps using oil, water, food colouring and an effervescent tablet, and looked at the density of various liquids.

Science week

Year 6 completed two experiments

  • Fantastic fingerprints, which explored which substance would be best to record our fingerprints and which of the three classifications were our prints like.
  • Inventions like a Victorian , which linked to their English “Cracking contraptions”, the children looked at Victorian inventions and guessed what they were, before creating and designing our own contraptions that could help us with a day to day chore in our household.

World Book Day!

Pancake day!

On Tuesday the Nursery children celebrated Pancake day or Shrove Tuesday.

The children helped Mrs Butler mix up the batter and then watched her fry the pancakes.

We all cheered when Mrs Butler flipped the pancakes! At snack time we all tried a bit of pancake with sugar on.

“They were delicious!”

We also had a pancake race and tried to flip some paper pancakes.

NSPCC Number day

They children at HPS supported the NSPCC by taking part in Number Day on Friday, 3rd February 2023.

At Heathcoat Primary school we are making maths meaningful and Number Day is a great way to make maths fun and bring about a positive, ‘can-do’ attitude towards it. We spent the day taking on exciting Math’s Challenges in our classes and raising awareness of the NSPCC. We also encouraged all children and staff to Dress up for Digits. Pupils were asked to wear an item of clothing with a number on it (football shirt, cap, netball shirt or even a onesie!).  Or get more creative and design a unique t-shirt, hat or even become a human-sized calculator or dice!

Nursery pet visit

Over the past couple of weeks, the Nursery children have been finding out about Pets and how we look after them. Last Friday we were very excited to get a visit from Ronnie the rabbit and Maliki the Amazon King snake. Both pets were very well behaved and the children were able to hold the rabbit and ask questions about the snake. We would like to say a big thank you to Erin for bringing in Ronnie and Ms Green for telling us lots of interesting facts about Maliki. We had a great time.


Proposed strike action

You may have heard on the national news about the proposed plans for strike action from some NEU teachers later this term. Please be assured that I am working with the union representatives within the federation and have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow after school. It is unlikely that I will have any detail to share with you until next week but be assured that we will be back in touch as soon as we can.

Yours sincerely

Sammy Crook

Head of Federation