Year 3 Meerkat visit

Year  3 had a lovely afternoon on Tuesday with a visit from Rascal the Meerkat with the zoo keepers from Exmoor Zoo. There were lots of links made to our book, Meerkat Mail that we are studying in English. We were told all about how meerkats have adapted to their environment and how they work together to survive in the wild. Some of Rascal’s friends came with him, a scorpion which is a meerkat’s prey and a snake that is a meerkat’s predator . The children had the opportunity to look at all the animals closely and have a little stroke with Rascal. It has brought our book to life and will inspire us in our writing.

Christmas celebrations at Pannier Market

As part of the Christmas celebrations, a group of KS2 singers & dancers performed at the Tiverton Pannier Market, today (16.12.22).

The event was well received by the general public and it was lovely to see so many of our parents supporting the children too.

Year 6 Stand Against Violence Workshop

On Tuesday 6th December, Year 6 completed a very engaging and informative workshop.

The children learnt a powerful story about a young man from Taunton, who was murdered in an unprovoked attack. The children heard how the split-second decision made by the perpetrator effected the lives of both the friends and family members of the victim as well as the perpetrator.

The children completed a drama-based session to appreciate how our body language and facial expressions can help us determine someone’s mood or emotion. Two informative discussions to appreciate the real cost of violence and the impact on family and friends of the victim and perpetrator. Children feedback the similarities and differences that this crime had on all who were affected.  In the afternoon they learnt how to recognise risks and how to stay safe along with understanding grief, loss and anger associated with revenge.

Throughout the day, the children completed a reflective journal which they took home to share with their families. The Year 6 children found this workshop opened their eyes to the serious nature of their actions when reacting to situations and the life changing consequences that this can cause themselves and others.

Wellington School Maths Challenge

Well done to Kingsley, Harry, Phoebe and Heidi in Year 6, for taking part in the 27th Wellington School’s Maths challenge. They were one of 61 teams taking part from schools across Devon and Somerset. They had to work as a team to answer the 25 questions. The event is described as a challenge and is designed to be hard. They performed well and were a credit to our school.

Thank you to the parents for taking them to the challenge on Saturday morning.

Year 6 World War 2 day

As part of our Battle of Britain History topic and current text we are reading in English ‘My Secret War Diary’ by Marcia Williams, we asked the children to come into school dressed as an evacuee for a World War II experience.  When the children arrived, they were greeted by either Professor Edwards in 6S and Squadron Leader Keenan in 6FC. Air Raid Warden Soper soon arrived to check the health and safety of the classrooms along with checking that the evacuees who had just arrived from either London or from Exeter had their identify cards and gas masks. She discussed how to keep themselves safe at all times and regularly checked that their identity cards were being carried.

Throughout the day, the children were involved with investigative activities, exploring many WW2 artefacts, including newspapers and propaganda reading materials, to unusual objects used around the house or from the battlefield. The children enjoyed dressing up in a range of British, American and Russian uniforms and learning about military cap badges, pins and medals. Squadron Leader Keenan discussed and helped the children learn about the different countries that took part in the build-up to the Second World War. He grouped the children to represent these countries and discuss, around a flag covered table, the tactics and strategies to help win the war.

After break, the children were put through their paces with Corporal Southgate, who taught them drill and finished their parade with an inspection from Squadron Leader Keenan

The roof

The contractors are on site this week setting up their compound ready for the work to start next week. The entrance through the pedestrian gate on Broad Lane looks different now. You can still come in and out that way but there is now Harris fencing on the right-hand side with a walkway through to the back playground.

This path is narrower than you are used to, so please ensure you give other people plenty of space.

Please share the photos with the children this afternoon. There is also a short video.


Useful links for families

If you are looking for resources and support in Devon, whether it’s about mental health and SEND, heatth and wellbeing, or financial support, then these links may help.

Why is coming to school every day important?

At Heathcoat primary School we understand the importance of children being in school on time every day and encourage all children and parents to aim for excellent attendance.

Whilst scoring 90% in a test would be considered a great result, when it comes to attendance, 90% is equal to at least 19 days (almost 4 weeks) of missed school in a year. A child whose attendance is at 90% or below is considered to be ‘persistently absent’.

We asked a selection of children across the school if they thought being in school on time every day was important. 100% of the children that we asked said YES.

Here are some things children said when we asked them “Why is coming to school on time every day important?”